In this personal project, I designed and developed an AE toolkit using the data from Formula 1 2023. The idea behind it was to explore the potential of using JSONs or CSV data to edit the details in multiple comps.

How it works
The round and the team is controlled using the slider and dropdowns. The colors, logos are controlled using the team picker dropdown where as the round, circuit shape and details are controlled by the JSON file. The driver name's position in the comp is controlled by expressions so that the position changes based on their result in each round.

This system can be as simple or complex as the user would want it. Not everyone would want to work with JSON files to update the data. A simpler way to do it would be with CSV files. Here is a quick screen-recording of how a CSV file can be used to update the race information.
Here's a compilation of some of the team's sport packages based on 2023 grand prix data.

If you're interested in creating something like this, email me at Thank you.